UN - Motivation


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I'm EXTREMELY Unmotivated  

    Maybe it's the stress of the pandemic, maybe it's the fact that I'm very determined to accomplish everything I want, maybe it's because I overload my schedule and when I miss something, I'm super hard on myself and then I feel so far behind that I can't get anything done because it will mess up my schedule. That was a long sentence but that's how I feel. 

    Now that we have basketball, baseball, and the election out of the way, I can focus on myself more. I can get very sucked into a game and then when midnight rolls around, then I finally realize I didn't get any work done. It's infuriating, I can't believe I still let myself throw away my time like this. Sports is a form of entertainment, after all.   

    I'm at my job from 11-7 then when I get home, I'm so tired and I need to unwind. So I'll eat and shower then try to relax and I realize again that I didn't do anything. The never-ending cycle. The laundry gets piled up, the bathroom counters become cluttered, sometimes I overeat or I don't eat at all. Sometimes life is overwhelming and I'm not afraid to admit it. 

    Just because no one else is posting the times they messed up or their failures on social, doesn't mean that failures aren't happening. I just have to remember to take a deep breath, look around me and see how blessed I am, and know that God is in control and He wants me to be happy. My time is on His time and I will accomplish everything that I'm meant to.  

    I'm not depressed or anything, just overwhelmed. I'll accomplish everything I want in time. Thanks for reading and don't forget to subscribe. :). 


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